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Noodletools read me first

Page history last edited by Charmaine Gates 11 years ago


Included here are a gif for Noodletools,if you want it for your webpage or a brochure.

You will have to make individual accounts for your students and teachers.  The generic password and the link on the front page will let you get to the site but then you must make accounts with names that are unique to both the Diocese and the country as this is a nationwide service.  I would suggest that you use a student number if you have them or something unique to the school.  So for example 211M before the students first initial and last name, for instance.  211M happens to be the beginning of our school address.  Also all students must provide their initials and the last four digits of a phone number.  I would suggest that you use your school phone number which means that all your students have to remember is their initials.  You need this information to find their password when they forget it.  Once everyone is registered, I can at your request provide you with the accounts and passwords that belong to your school, if you can give me your naming convention.  In addition here is a playlist of all Noodletools videos done by the company to help explain the elements of the product.




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